A week ago, I posted a blog entry I entitled "Post Divorce Forecast." if you haven't read it yet, might as well read it first, then go back to this... But please allow me to explain myself.
When I was writing, not to mention hysterically, that blog, I wondered whether it is offensive to other people or not. Perhaps because even in my own household, we have the 'no cussing rule.' I kid you not, this rule is not just for the kids but for papa dward and myself also. By cussing I mean, cussing of any shape and form. That includes, but is not limited to the following words: fuck, shit, asshole, bitch, whore, stupid, tanga, gago, putang ina, bwisit, leche.. And the list goes on and on. Those words can NOT be used under any circumstances, even as an expression.
In writing that blog however, I decided to use those words. I used it to make a point... And if my point wasn't really obvious, let me sum up what I meant in that blog entry in the first place...
The message that I was trying to convey in that blog was that when my marriage falls apart, I will be in my wits end and the worst of me will be brought out. I will be angry, devastated, bitter, sad and miserable. Oh I will be anything, anything BUT happy. My family, which obviously includes Edward, is everything to me. Thus, when my marriage falls apart, so will my world. I thought that my point was very clear considering what I wrote in number #10: "Lastly, I will cry myself to sleep every night while nobody is watching. Every. Single. Effing. Night"
I guess this goes to say that my assumption was wrong. My point wasn't clear to a few people.
Even though this is my blog, which may mean I can write whatever I want to, I'd like to give my sincerest apology to those who have been offended. I take responsibility for it, because my blog is not only open to public but I also share the links in my Facebook, thus driving traffic to the site. A traffic which includes diversity of views by many.
And although nobody (not even one) actually complained about the cussing, I decided to apologize about it first because that is the part that I thought could be offensive. But what really got me into writing this 'public apology' is because a huge number of people thought it was disturbing and offensive and hurtful for Edward and it made their stomachs churn.
Ok ok ok there were was just two people and it didn't really make their stomachs churn, I hope! (comm'n people, can't I imagine having thousands of readers from different walks of life with varying views and opinions?!?)
Even though there were just two who I know reacted that way, I'm writing this also for those who didn't say anything but may have thought of that blog as hurtful for Edward. (comm'n, with thousands of readers, I'm sure there's more than two who have different views than mine, right??... What?... I don't have thousands of readers??? Ok fine whatever!)
Again, my sincerest apologies to all of you who were not pleased with that blog entry. I suppose I have to remind myself that as a blogger, I have to be sensitive to my reader's (albeit a few) feelings. I have to remind myself before sharing a link to my Facebook account that there are users in it who would be offended by it. There will be people who will not see it the way I or Edward sees it. That goes to say that next time, I should be aware as who sees the links that I share so as to not offend these people, who themselves have every right to react the way they do and the right to have the view that they have.
But before I end this blog entry, I would like to clarify that Edward was not offended by it at all.
I know. We are weird like that. We are actually that kind of couple who like to talk about everything under the sun! We talk about the good, the bad, the ugly and the dirty (*wink* *wink*) and everything in between.
One might think I'm crazy for putting so much thought for something irrelevant.
But you see, there's really not much thought in it. When I blog, I use my cellphone and I type on and on. It's just a hobby that I do every now and then. When you look into it carefully, you'll see so many typos in it because I don't really spend so much time in it. I just ramble on and on. That's why I don't consider it as "putting so much thought." But even if I had, I meant no offense to anyone. Edward and I and a lot of my readers just happen to find my blog as funny. Perhaps, that's ridiculous. But we are who we are.
One might think that it is irrelevant as we are not going through divorce anyway. However, the relevance of the blog does NOT lie on the words that I wrote. If you read the whole thing, the message of that entry is that I'll be devastated when my marriage falls apart.
I guess one might ponder that I should have said it direct to the point, like that. However, I believe that there are many ways to express oneself. And one of that is through humor. And in our house, humor has always been the popular route. (and unfortunately, my blog's approach is like that also.)
And in writing that blog, I made sure that it is obvious that numbers 1-9 are merely jokes. A full blow product of my sarcasm. I mean, do you actually think I'll start a blog named "www.YouAreAFuckingMoronAndASonOfAbitchEdwardTheStupidBastard.com"??? oh common people!! You know me better than that. I'm a smart person that's why I won't use a long domain name like that. I'll just name it something shorter like "www.YouAreAFuckingMoronAndASonOfAbitchEdwardTheStupidGUY.com" Smart, eh???
Ok calm down I'm just joking again ;)
Sorry it's really difficult to stay serious. But let me try again.
I really didn't realize that any of you will think that my spouse will be offended by it. Because if you look at my blog entries closely, I have been very vocal and proud of papa dward. As you can see in "Happy Fathers Day to My Edward", "How to Spot a Douche bag", "An I'm Sorry Note for Father's Day", and "I loose", I have always been proud and even boastful of having him. Even in my blog "A Rant on Edward", I humorously ranted on Edwards behavior but in the end I emphasized that he does anything for me like "vacuum the carpet, cook dinner, Roll on the floor, get the ball with his mouth, jump off a cliff." Given all those, I actually think that my blog is turning into an "Edward's shrine" as it describes what a wonderful person he is. I must admit that there are rants on it about him, but it always ends with how good of a person he is. That is because this blog is an honest look on marriage and parenting... Not some blog saying life is perfect. It's a blog that says there is beauty in a marriage despite its imperfections. Maybe, it may seem like I'm airing out dirty laundry. But if this is what you call 'dirty laundry,' then I guess I'll have to say I'm having fun with this 'dirtiness'. Yeah, it's dirty ;)
I'm sorry you felt that the blog is irrelevant and I'm sorry that you felt that I should have not written that. That's why when I got home that day, I made it a point to speak to my husband.
Mama nalyn: "did my blog entry offend you? Or would you want me to delete that entry?"
Papa dward: **gives me the what the heck are you talking about look** "of course not!!! I think it's funny too. That's why I posted comments myself. It's very clear to me. What you said was you won't be happy when we get divorced. And when we do, you may be angry and do all that, but at the end of the day, you'll still think of me because you love me. You said you'll cry yourself to sleep. That means you love me so much"
(then I was like, "awwww my husband can actually talk with sense sometimes".. LOL I'm just kidding again!! Peace bro!)
But despite that, I apologize to the readers who didn't like it. And thanks for pointing it out so next time I'll be more careful in sharing the link. I definitely respect your opinion. And I'm amazed as to how you can stand up for my husband because you thought it would hurt him.
Ps: To those who liked the entry and to those who sent me emails that they like my blog and find it inspiring and at the same time funny, thanks guys :)