Dear Collin,
You just turned 15 months old today and here comes mommy again writing you a letter even though you can't even identify a single letter of the alphabet just yet. But you see my love, I refuse to let this moment pass with out compiling the beautiful life that we share; these moments that you certainly will forget when you grow up but are most definitely worth remembering. There are just so many beautiful things about the past 3 months that made mommy fall in love with you deeper every single day. And I just want to make sure, that when I'm old and my hair is gray, we can breath in the beauty of the past and reminisce the abundance of our love by reading my letters to you.
Oh sweetheart, You always make mommy happy and proud.
I am elated even by the little things that you do. You've shown me how miracles happen every single day.
When you just turned one, I half heartedly decided to wean you from the breast, thinking it will be the best for us. But how can I say no to you my sweetie pie? How can I resist your request as you propel yourself, landing on my chest, nuzzling on my breast, and looking straight in my eyes, saying "MAM..MAM.." My heart melts. So we lie down, your skin against my skin, my arms wrapped around you and yours wrapped around me. And happily, you suckle.
It amazes me how you seem to know your daily routine; like as if you have a watch on your wrist and you know just exactly what you are suppose to do at that hour. But what melts my heart is what you do when I don't noticed that its time to feed you. While I'm very preoccupied with work inside my room, you would walk away from your nanny and bang the door while you're standing outside my room screaming "MAM! MAM! MAM." like as if to say, "dude I'm hungry!! FEED ME!! NOW!!"
I am awed by your love of the water sprinklers. When we're outside, you tell me to turn it on by pointing to the switch (and throwing tantrums when I don't) then you marvel at the water. Blocking the water with your hand. Squeaking in delight when it splashed to you face. That my bratty boy, makes mommy look forward to comming home from work each day. Oh you've always been the highlight of my day.
Just a couple of weeks ago, You learned the sign language for 'milk' and 'more'. But innitially, you only do it for a show instead of using it when you actually want 'more' or 'milk'. Just like when you show close/open with you hands, the lizard look by sticking your tongue out, cutie pie by squinting your eye while showing the world's cutest smile, and dance by basically shaking your shoulders.
Those are just few of the many many wonderful things that you learned to do in the past three months.
Thanks sweetie, for giving me the kind of happiness that I've never had.
I love you so much Collin. More than words can ever say. And more than any action I can ever do. I love you above, over, and beyond anything in my life.
Collin & Mommy
Collin & the Big Bros
Collin's 1st haircut
The men in my life
Collin's favorite ride
Playing at the Mall