
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How an iPhone can add 20 minutes of sleep (and wake you up there after)

Adding 20 minutes of sleep:
Every morning when Collin wakes up, I hand him my iPhone so he can use the app showing different animals and their sounds. He watches it like a hawk while his little fingers select which animals he wants to hear.

Isn't that great? When your an exhausted mom with a full time job, twenty minutes is a longggg time.

Buy somehow, Collin found a way to use the same device to wake me up.

Here's how according to Collin.

1. Hold on to the iPhone with one hand
2. Raise it all the way up.
3. Slam it on moms eye in full force.

And that's how it's done fella'

Ps. Looks like I need to find a new way to buy more quiet time in the morning. Anybody got tips? :)

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