
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dating for the first time after the baby

Being a parent is easy. All you need to do is follow your instincts.

But being a 'responsible' parent is totally different. It's something that can not be taught; you just have to live and acquire this knowledge in each passing day.

Responsible parenthood is doing what's right for your child, not just what your heart desires. It's about letting your baby explore on his own, even if that means risking a bruise on his knee. It's about feeding him vegetables when what he really wants is banana -24/7. It's about forcing him to not go to the bathroom, when all he wants to do is play with the toilet.

Amongst all that, the hardest that I've done so far is to teach him to deal with separation anxiety.

It really doesn't sound all that hard. As a matter of fact, I've planned how to handle this way before even trying to have a baby. I've always known that I should raise my baby in a way that he doesn't suffer a bad case of separation anxiety in his toddler years. I've read books, magazines, blogs that gives suggestions in dealing with it.

Then time came when it's time to implement the plan. I told my husband that we should start being away from him for a couple of hours in the morning, while he is in a good mood and 'ol ready to play.

And below was how it rolled out...

9am: I give my mil instructions about how to take care of my baby, including but not limited to, what time his next nap will be, what to feed him, how to swaddle him, how to rock him, how to soothe him to sleep, when and how to change his diapers and more. That is despite her having 3 kids and 6 grand kids and a professional nanny of twins

915: I get dressed.

945: I go through the same
Instructions I gave at 9am.

10am: we leave the house.

Mama nalyn: Do you think Collin will be ok?
Papa dward: Yah of course

Mama nalyn: Do you think Collin's ready to be away from me?
Papa dward: Yah of course

Mama nalyn: Do you think Collin is sad because I'm gone?
Papa dward: No don't worry he'll be fine

Mama nalyn: Being away from me for a while is good for him, right?
Papa dward: Yes of course
Mama nalyn: It is better to start young rather than me being away from him for the first time when he is already 4. Right?
Papa dward: Yes that's right
Mama nalyn: and he's having fun at home, right?
Papa dward: yes
Mama nalyn: and it's good that we go on dates so we won't be drained out and we keep a happy and healthy relationship, right?
Papa dward: yes that's right.

Mama nalyn: do you think..
Papa dward: (cuts of my sentence) OH MY GOD!! He'll be fine ok?!?!!!!!!
Mama nalyn: I wanna go home!!!!

But hey, we didn't go home. We immediately went to our appointment with the caterer for Collin's 1st birthday and then...

We watched a movie and had a lunch date. OK. We didn't! We just went straight home after the appointment.

Not bad for a first day out, right?

Ovulation Predictor Kits

A lot of men and women fear the term infertility.

Having such an issue really took a toll on me. It's so sad that I don't even want to talk about it further right now.

So instead, let's talk about the really kewl test before the pregnancy test. Known as the ovulation test!

Allow me to share some vignettes of ovulation test kit induced events

1. Mama nalyn to papa dward: look I'm almost ovulating!! Time to stock up on your spermies!!! Don't touch me nor yourself!

2. mama n to papa d: I'm ovulating! I'm ovulating!!! Stop whatever your doing and let's go!!!!

3 mama n: shit. I'm still not ovulating (just about to cry)
Papa d: don't stress. That's ok. Let's just do it anyway.

4. Mama n: crap. it's been months and I'm still not ovulating. (almost bawling like a little bratty girl)
Papa d: thats ok. Don't stress. Let's just do it anyway.

5. mama nalyn: can I be off from work early today? (with purse and laptop bag in tow)

Asst vice president of operations at mama nalyns's work: why?

Mama n: because I'm ovulating.

How about you? What was your TTC (trying to conceive) like? It can't be more fun than mine, ayt?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ovulation Predictor Kits

A lot of men and women fear the term infertility.

Having such an issue really took a toll on me. It's so sad that I don't even want to talk about it further right now.

So instead, let's talk about the really kewl test before the pregnancy test. Known as the ovulation test!

Allow me to share some vignettes of ovulation test kit induced events

1. Mama nalyn to papa dward: look I'm almost ovulating!! Time to stock up on your spermies!!! Don't touch me nor yourself!

2. mama n to papa d: I'm ovulating! I'm ovulating!!! Stop whatever your doing and let's go!!!!

3 mama n: shit. I'm still not ovulating (just about to cry)
Papa d: don't stress. That's ok. Let's just do it anyway.

4. Mama n: crap. it's been months and I'm still not ovulating. (almost bawling like a little bratty girl)
Papa d: thats ok. Don't stress. Let's just do it anyway.

5. mama nalyn: can I be off from work early today? (with purse and laptop bag in tow)

Asst vice president of operations at mama nalyns's work: why?

Mama n: because I'm ovulating.

How about you? What was your TTC (trying to conceive) like? It can't be more fun than mine, ayt?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Spot a Douchebag

Disclaimer: all characters, excluding papa dward and baby Collin, appearing in this blog entry are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or (hopefully) dead is purely coincidental.

If you've followed my blog well enough, you must have probably gotten the message that I married a wonderful responsible man. He is an imperfect but awesome husband and a very reliable dad to my lil guy Collin.

I think this goes to say that 'responsible' parenthood should start when one is 'seriously' dating. That is the time when you choose who will potentially be a father to your children in the next 3 or 5or even 10 years.

You see, had I married an A hole, I wouldn't have provided a happy family for my baby Collin. But I must admit though that part of it is just pure luck. I'm lucky to have married a nice wonderful, yet imperfect and sometimes terribly annoying irritating, man.

So I guess, this blog entry goes to all the single ladies out there. It's not too late so don't rely on luck. Choose a man wisely!

Be with a real man. But how will you know?

How did I know?

Well, that's because I know how to spot a douchebag; not to mention I've dated quite a few :p

Perhaps the experience of being with a man like papa dward and some, what's the word, douchebags, gives me
the utter capacity to spot the difference.

So with out a further ado, here is a list of characteristics to streamline the process of spotting a douchbag.

1. He makes you laugh. Again, let me repeat: he makes you laugh. But do take note that papa dward makes me laugh too. What I'm just trying to say is that you can't assume the guy as 'the one' just because he can make you laugh.

2. He is an ego monster. He thinks he is the most awesome guy in the planet. But he is not the only one who thinks that, his mom does too.

3. He acts mature. The keyword is: acts

4. He pretends to be nice to his parents and siblings (if applicable). Keyword? - pretends

5. He can be romantic. If you listen carefully, you will notice that sometimes he will pull of the same line; perhaps he memorized it or used to different women but has forgotten that he said that to you already.

6. He is most likely not handsome. But he doesn't know it.

So if you see these 6 devilish characteristics in the man you are dating... Run!! Run far far far away from him!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Ruin a Romantic Night (accdg to Edward)

A few nights ago, the hubby and I were lying on the bed while Collin was playing with his toys on the floor. That was one of those rare moments where Collin was enjoying playing just by himself. It was a perfect time for a romantic night.

For me, being able to talk and laugh with out a baby pulling your hair and biting your skin is a romantic night at it's best.

All was great until he put his arms around me.

"oh!! What was that?" he asked in full excitement and significant lust in his face and tone of voice.

"huh? What?" I asked and paused for a second until I realized what he thought it was. "That's my stomach dude!!!! It's soft and fluffy now!!"

You see, I got no abs. What I have is a fully stretched out, flapping, stretch marked tummy. And figuring out where my breast ends and my stomach starts needs a complex analysis made by NASA. Although, I really didn't realize it's all that bad until the hubby sort of um, slap that information on may face!

But of course, just like what a typical guy would do, he denied his mistake. He pretended that he knew that it was my stomach and that I just misinterpreted him. (I can't believe he actually thought I would buy that! seriously?)

And that is how one can ruin a potentially romantic night.

The (not to mention, freakn') end!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Breastfeeding Mama

Collin is now 10 months old. And all this time, he never had even an ounce of formula.

I am proud to say that I am an advocate of breast feeding and I'd like to convince soon to be moms to do the same.

Perhaps the best route to take is by enumerating all the health benefits of breast feeding. But that's just not my style, because that's just plain annoying, plus I'm no doctor! So instead I'll just show you some pictures.

This was me before breastfeeding.

And this is me with in just 5 months of breastfeeding. No diet. No exercise. Nothing but a never ending series of gluttonous meals. For reals.

Now you tell me, are you going to breast feed?

That's your baby.

Your boob.

So it's your call

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