
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quotable Quotes From Brenden

Today I'd like to share some quotable quotes from my step son Brenden. Here are my top 3 favorites. Feel free to laugh with (or at) me.

1. While we were playing when he was around 2 yrs old, brenden suddenly stopped with a sheer terror on his face; Like as if heaven and earth collided before him. Then, with a lot of confusion and fear, he asked in horror "wat dat?!!?? wat dat??!! WAT DAt??!!!," while ummmm, pointing to my breasts and scooting backwards, away from me!!! (disclaimer: no cleavage was even exposed and no child was traumatized)

2. One week end, about two weeks after I gave birth, brenden said to Collin "bye baby!!!!" Then turns to me and looks and waves at my still bulging tummy and says, "bye bye other baby!!!"

3. Brenden has been very intrigued as to what breastfeeding is. I figured that at 9yrs old, it's just right that he truly understand what it is. One day he was with me as i was breastfeeding Collin. He then asked, "can i see collin breastfeed?" i thought it should be ok because Collin is properly latched anyway. He wont see anything that he hasnt seen before as cleavage here in america is somewhat ubiquitous. To my surprise, after he watched, he then announced, "oh Collin likes breast-feeding! He did this." then he did a breast sucking motion on his lips. You know, the nasty kind that of course he didn't know look nasty!

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